Monday, 27 January 2014

Collective roar of Sant Samaj demands quick action in Pujya Bapuji case

In response to the act of sabotage that is being carried out by detractors, the greater Sant Samaj gathered in Surya Nagri in Jodhpur. The motive of this gathering was to awaken the society to the truth about AsaramJi Bapu's case. A mass gathering was addressed by eminent Saints present at the occasion and educated about the conspiracy plotted and executed by the enemies of the society. Speakers who took to the stage pointed in the direction of Christian Missionaries who saw BapuJi as their sworn enemy and maligning him was nothing but a part of the greater ploy of tainting Hinduism and the Sanatana Dharma. The outcome of that same strategy was imprisonment of Sankaracharya, Swami Nithyanand and Jayendra Saraswati.

Sants ask - if committee for judge, why not one for Pujya Bapuji

When allegations were made against a judge, the government instituted an inquiry commission to find the truth, but when similar charges were made against an established and popular Saint like AsharamJi Bapu, nothing was done, instead he was jailed immediately.

Sants to meet president and sit on jail bharo andolan

It was further announced that Sants were planning to meet with the President of India and even sit on a Jail Bharo Andolan if their demands were not met at the earliest. Besides announcing their plan to move judiciary for justice, they also inspired masses to unite and raise their voice for justice.

Social and political influencers make appearance at sammelan

Increasing involvement of political and social movers in BapuJi's case is evidence of the growing support that he has been getting recently. Renowned Bollywood personalities and famous politicians from all over the nation are thronging to Sant Sammelans to offer their unconditional support to his cause. A call was made to all present on the occasion to rise to bring Pujya Shree out of jail.

The Truth About Hindu Saints

There has been several attempts at twisting the truth and putting words in the mouth of people and accrediting loathsome activities and actions to holy saints who have no connection to any of that and more worryingly there is nothing that is even remotely connected to the truth.

Ashram has been actively participating in welfare activities very actively in the northern part of the country as well as in other places throughout the length and breadth of the nation. A lot of effort has gone into delimiting and obliterating the truth but no effort has fructified yet or will fructify ever. Today everywhere naysayers are questioning why AsaramJi Bapu is not performing any miracle? To this ridiculous question, Saints assembled at the Motera convention answered that Pujya BapuJi is not a magician and therefore it is unrealistic to expects something of that sort from him. Swami SantoshanandiJi Maharaj said accomplished Sants like HH AsaramJi Bapu do not plan miracles, they happen. It is necessary that everyone understands and believes in the greatness of these great men and respect them. Unlike what ideally should have been the case, we are seeing something entirely contradictory to that. Conspirators are not only totally oblivious to his greatness but also to the sentiments of those who follow AsaramJi Bapu from the core of their heart.

For the conspirators Swami SantoshanandJi had a request and a prayer. He wanted them to come and attend Satsang sessions and learn the great lessons and age old wisdom from none other than Pujya BapuJi. He said that listening to BapuJi and saints like him is how these conspirators will be able to acquire godly knowledge and begin treading on the right path. It is also mentioned in holy scriptures that Mother Ganga once asked Lord Shiva what would happen to her during Kalyug which is the age of sins. To this Lord Shiva said that in Kalyug Saints will come to earth and they will purify Ganga each time they take a dip in her. That is how significant Saints are for the welfare of the nation and nature.

The truth is that HH AsaramJi Bapu is a superhuman force who that could not be shaken or hurt even in the face of a disaster. It will still be remembered by all how despite a helicopter crash HH AsaramJi Bapu emerged unhurt and helped all those around him to escape without a scratch. If it was not for his superhuman stature it would have impossible for someone to deliver a feat so superhuman.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Revelation of the Truth

The truth can never be kept hidden for long and one day or the other it has to come to the fore. Certain section of the media has left no stone unturned to cook up stories of the most absurd nature on more than one occasion and in many cases they have crossed their boundaries when they picked on innocent citizens in order to strengthen their case. The case of Nanhi Damini is still fresh in the minds of everybody when certain media channels had portrayed the innocent minor girl in extremely poor light entirely for their personal gains and nothing else.

There are many such cases and here are some of those.

Bholanand: This was the man who was shown across media channels as Acharya Bholanand. This thug claimed that there are human skeletons buried under Pujya Shree's Jammu Ashram. The truth was however completely different from that. The real name of the person is Braj Bihari Gupta and he was the caretaker of an Ashram running under the auspices of Sant Shree AsaramJi Bapu. This man was in cahoots with the conspirators and was acting at their behest. In order to implicate the saint he contacted a law abiding citizen Vikrant Sharma and asked him to exhume three skeletons from a nearby burial ground and bury them under the Ashram. The truth came to fore when Vikrant contacted the police and explained the truth. Since then Bholanand has been arrested for conspiracy and his bail plea has been rejected! This is the truth and media did not do anything to bring it out in public.

Abortion in ashram: The second most scandalous false allegation that shocked Sadhaks and millions of followers all over the nation was the abortion racket. According to this allegation, there was a 'room no. 302' where abortions were carried out. News channels have alleged that Dhruv Behen used to carry out these abortions! Dhruv Behen who has been connected with the organization since 1986 summarily rejected this case and her story was later reinforced by investigations carried out by the Gujurat Women Commission. This is the truth but nothing of that sort was reported in news channels.

Sevadar Shiva desolation allegation: The next allegation that was cooked by conspirators was that of Sevadar Shiva. According to news reports, this mad was a deserter and he had abandoned his wife and children, whereas the truth was that media showed someone else. It was an impersonator called Suresh Chaudhuri. Not only did media create his kids out of thin air, they also made him a villain out of him for no reason.

There are countless such cases that if we follow closely will expose the real face of the conspirators.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Resolution and Optimism keep HH Bapuji supporters strong despite government negligence

150 days and counting - it has been a period of test for hundreds of distraught protesters demanding justice for the popular Hindu Spiritual Leader HH AsaramJi Bapu. Thousands know and believe deep in their hearts that there is not an iota of truth what is being said about Pujya BapuJi, but not many have had the fortitude to brave inhospitable conditions and rude policemen to protest. The bravery and self-sacrifice of these protesters are laudable in the highest terms. In the last 5 months we have seen accolades pouring in from all quarters for these brave men in New Delhi as well as those who have led and participated in similar rallies across India.

The unshakeable belief in justice and judicial system of the nation have been attacked many times, but this peaceful rally protest here in New Delhi and those participating in it are sure that truth will eventually win over falsity and give a befitting reply to all doubters and finger pointers trying to malign the good name and belittle the superhuman sacrifices made by HH AsaramJi Bapu.

Their utter faith seems to emanate from the adage that no harm befalls one who has never harmed others. It is true that adversities the way of great saints, but eventually truth wins. HH AsaramJi Bapu have spread the message of justice and love wherever he has set his divine feet and in return received the love and well wishes of his benefactors. What is happening is just a test of the resolution and love we have for one of the greatest Saints of our time and we must take all steps to make sure that we pass and falsehood fails.

The compassion for Saintly BapuJi in the supporters is very heartening. Similar strong protests have also been seen in online social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook from people who are eagerly waiting for the judiciary to dispense justice and exonerate the name of HH AsaramJi Bapu.

Justice Cannot be Delayed Anymore

Delay in delivery of justice is the worst form of injustice and the more time the law takes in exonerating Pujya BapuJi the tougher it will be for the masses to regain their faith on the justice mechanism of the nation.

It is unfortunate how the buck is being passed from one to another and back again instead of focusing on delivery of justice. In previous attempts, the plea for bail did not come to any conclusion because either the defence or the prosecution was busy blaming one or the other on one pretext or other. On the last occasion, the prosecution alleged defence of deliberately extending the case unnecessarily. To this the judge directed that all parties be presented before the court together. Meanwhile the septuagenarian Spiritual Leader has highlighted on numerous occasions how shabbily he has been treated all this while. He complained of pain and cold in the barracks and also of less than appropriate lavatory provided by undertrails.

This will be the third attempt for bail and the case is very strong this time round. Even in previous instances the counsel appearing on behalf of Pujya Shree had made a very strong case in favour of BapuJi and highlighted the need for bail. It therefore remains to be seen whether the law takes the right path this time.

We are not unaware of the forces that have a sinister motive to bring Hinduism down on its knees and this will continue in the future as well but someone of the significance should not have been targeted. Not only has this eroded the trust of the general public on media channels and judiciary mechanism but also on the politicians who have conspired with foreign forces to introduce and establish western culture in this nation.

Those who have planned to insult Hindu Saints have faced the wrath of the common man and if justice is continuously denied there will be retaliation.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

The nation wants to know why judgements biased for justice Swatenter and Asaramji bapu

Media trials and the nightmares they have caused to countless people all over the nation is not new any more. Too many people have lost their lives and their reputation to indiscrimination shown by media. We have seen how inventive some media channels become in their treatment of some issues that could have been handled with some subtlety and care. Unfortunately that was not the case, instead when victims complained and asked the court to take action against guilty parties there was not more than a lukewarm response. In great contrast, when Justice Swatenter Kumar was accused of similar charges as that AsaramJi Bapu, the Delhi High Court issued restraining orders on media and gave it 24 hours to remove all defamatory content from websites. The court further asked media houses to refrain from carrying anything about Justice Swatenter until February 24 which is the next date of hearing.

The nation will remember that recently some media channels sacrificed all ethical propriety in their blind pursuit of TRPs. It was then that several parties pleaded with authorities to prevent media from spreading false news. It took several months for that to happen and the media channels to actually stop from continuing with their lopsided presentation of facts.

This stark contrast in action in case of Justice Kumar and AsaramJi Bapu has baffled many social thinkers into thinking why something was not done earlier for AsaramJi Bapu. Those that handled the case were sympathetic and quite considerate of the harm such late allegations bring on defendants, who in some case may have deceased by the time legal process are initiated.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Attempt to sully Pujya Shree Bapuji's name takes new turn - New Charges Pressed

In a new development that has happened at the beginning of the New Year has proved how desperate enemies of Pujya Shree BapuJi have become. The new claim is that police has found close to 100 eye witness to strengthen the case against AsaramJi Bapu. The new chargesheet filed on January 9th, 2014 is 1000 page long and presses charges under IPC 377 alleging Bapu of having unnatural sex and oral sex in 2001 and again in 2005. These new charges were filed in a Gandhinagar court. The Spiritual leader is already undergoing investigation for similar charges in Rajasthan.

New twist to the case

Apart from the charges that were already pressed against him, there were some additional ones that were brought against him this time round. The most controversial of those was 201 of the IPC. This section of the IPC is brought for destruction of evidence. The prosecution side has brought these allegations because it is of the view that AsaramJi had changed locations one after the other in order to destroy evidence.

It must be remembered that all of these including the ones that are already in force against BapuJi are all fabricated and baseless and goes on to show the desperation and fear of the conspirators which has become more evident with supporters uniting in favour of a bail for their leader.

More bogus and false cases to defame Hindu saints

Just like previous cases that have been brought against Hindu Saints in the past which saw the imprisonment of countless innocent religious leaders of the nation, this is something very similar to that. Just as in other cases when these Holy men were jailed and tortured to no end, Kind BapuJi is also enduring hardships of similar nature. It is not surprising therefore that it will take time for the truth to surface. We only wish that the process is expedited and best resources are used to ensure the delivery of justice. The delay is not only demotivating supporters it is also making them lose trust on the judiciary and law enforcement.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Hearts cry out for a glimpse of Pujya Shree Asaramji Bapu's kind face

Since 1972, AsaramJi Bapu and his Ashram has been the source of Salvation for thousands who visit every year to meet BapuJi and begin walking on the path to freedom from the painful cycles of life and death. These many years BapuJi has shown the right path to uncountable people who have knocked his door. Year after year people continued pouring their hearts out at kind BapuJi's feet and attained mental peace. This continued for decades and brought happiness to countless of people who were lost in their pursuit of worldly mirth and joy.

In the years that have rolled by since, the news of Pujya Shree AsaramJi Bapu's superior powers have spread throughout the nook and corner and brought into his folds followers from all walks of life.

The union was divine with the Saint and his disciples mingling for a common cause. Everything was going on fine until the fateful day when enemies of the nation could not tolerate it enough and they had to break the chain of peaceful Saint-Disciple union. This was when people under BapuJi began conspiring against the same man who gave them direction and a new meaning to life. But enemies of our rich culture and ancient religion could not tolerate it any longer. They conspired to get Pujya Shree AsaramJi Bapu arrested on false accusations.

Millions today are left without their Guru! Their plight is beyond words can describe. They are in tears and their pain is palpable. They are eager for a glimpse of Pujya BapuJi and those sentiments are best expressed in heart felt Prathanas like "Prarthana kar jod ke". Disciples pray and wish that their prayers be accepted at the earliest.

Such prayer sessions are not one off incidents, similar prayer sessions have been reported from other places as well. This goes on to show that not only is Pujya BapuJi missed, disciples and Sadhaks are praying for one glimpse of the saint.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Love and Devotion of Mata Laxmi Devi a benchmark for millions of Indian women to follow

Indian woman have been revered and celebrated all over the world for their greatness and values, Indian woman in the past was a source of mystery to social thinkers and continue to intrigue thinkers even to this day. Back in the day when Indian women were away from the influence of western civilization and there wasn't anything to divert their attention, the nation thrived under the care and nourishment of its mothers, unfortunately we cannot say the same today when countless factors influence how Indian women think and behave. This is indeed alarming because the nation depends on its mothers. Education begins at home and unless mothers are well educated themselves how will they be able to lead their families down the right path?

When the entire country thought that it had lost the archetypal Indian woman Mata Laxmi Devi came to the scene with her impeccable devotion and love towards her husband. Her devotion was seen in contrast to what was happening around the nation and that was a welcome change. The woman in her was the same that we have heard about in scriptures and respected as demi-gods in our culture. Her presence around Pujya BapuJi was similar to ideal Indian families that the western civilization held in awe and respect. She is the perfect embodiment of the perfect Indian woman and she is infallible in her trust of BapuJi.

She fondly remembers her meeting and marriage with Pujya BapuJi and she recounts how he had helped her get rid of her worldly pleasures and concentrate on more realistic and transcendental treasures like Satsang and religious books. Due to his influence on her, Mata Laxmi Devi has undergone a radical transformation, she begun on the path of self-realization and feel God's grace. Param Pujya AsaramJi Bapu has instilled in her speciality to see though the outwardly facade and understand the real value in every human being, she along with million other supporters of Bapu realize that her Spiritual Leader has been accused of a crime that he did not commit.

At a time such as this when our sisters are confused, our country needs to respect and follow the example shown by our revered Mata Laxmi DeviJi and not believe in what is being said about Pujya Shree.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Journey from Darkness to Light

The auspicious occasion of Makara Sankranti would have been a million times better if we had revered BapuJi in our midst delivering his divine nectar of knowledge, but the conspirators of this country deprived us of our rights by falsely implicating the Kind Leader. Nonetheless his words of knowledge and enlightenment rings through the air and will continue to inspire us even in the darkest hours. We specially appeal to the enemies of this nation that they partake of this great knowledge and enlighten their lives.

January 14th is celebrated all over India as The Uttarayana festival. The significance of this festival is that on this day Sun God begins its northward journey and from this day onwards days become longer and nights shorter. Ancient sages instituted this festival in order that men change their course of life and get rid of their lower senses and focus on the higher chakras in life which is occupied by the seat of selflessness, divine love and bliss. This is the right time for resolving to turn a new leaf and life and do the right thing despite incentives to do otherwise. Those that have conspired against Pujya BapuJi should not let this auspicious moment go by without making the most out of it.

It has been taught by sages throughout ages that every man is controlled by his thoughts and every thought derives its source from you attitude. Perhaps the biggest difference between the Indian psychology and the western psychology is that when Indians take pride in restraining their desires all the while striving to awaken the supreme consciousness within, whereas, Westerners are more concerned about pleases their bodily senses in complete disregard of the Atmaa within.

Lessons in Sanatana Dharma

Pujya Shree AsaramJi Bapu and his teachings have been compared by his disciples as sacred manna from the heaven and one of those many is his lesson on the greatness of Sanatana Dharma.

Pujya Shree told his disciples told that Sanatana Dharma is an ancient religion that is not only followed in this world but also in other planes of existence. This great religion was followed by enlightened men, emperors and kings since time immemorial. Different religions have come to existence and ended but Sanatana Dharma has remained consistent and has shown the path to advancement and progress to entire humanity for ages. Sanatana Dharma have existed in the heart of every human being in the form of eternal truth. Awakening of the eternal truth shows man the path to eternal bliss. The closer a person is to the truth, the happier he is going to be and more likely to awaken dormant powers by connecting with Absolute Consciousness.

Instead of doing that the modern man is busy aggrandizing his person and seeking material wealth and bliss that eventually lead him away from real happiness and make him sadder by the day. Even worse is the sad fact that man still run after these futile goals hoping to be gratified but unfortunately that is just not the case. In doing that the individual loses his own self and drifts further away from his Supreme self.

Pujya BapuJi teaches his students that anyone who has attained his own inner self is the one who has attained supreme happiness. It is the truth of nature that every man and woman who has come to this world will eventually be consigned to flames and those who did nothing but indulge in material pursuits is the biggest loser because he loses not only all of his material possessions but also the precious time of his life that he or she could have used to attain Eternal Peace.

Thus those who have listened and imbibed the precious teachings of the Saint will be have not only made his life better but also would have accumulated invaluable nuggets for his or her personal life. Lessons such as these taught by our revered Pujya Shree are very necessary at a time such as these when anti-nationalistic forces are trying to tear apart the fabric of unity woven together by great Saints of our nation. 

Monday, 13 January 2014

More than 40 years of selfless service that continues

More than 40 years of selfless service by Pujya Shree BapuJi and his family is a matter that cannot be trivialized. The 4 long decades have been rife with adversities and challenges but at no stage have AsaramJi Bapu flinched or thought twice about his personal discomforts. He followed wherever natural calamities or catastrophes followed, carrying the message of love and kindness with him all along. This great act of Saintliness and cannot and should not be discounted. Unfortunately those that wish nothing but ill for BapuJi have forgotten all of that in their craze to make money with downright cheap content on their channels.

Supporters of the Saint have been forced to endure dire insults on the name of their Spiritual leader and everyone connected to him. There is no doubt in the minds of millions of supporters that a dark conspiracy is at play here but what appals and shocks every one is the apathy of media channels towards general public. It has now become very clear that these media houses will stop at nothing when it comes to printing money.

The general public who knew nothing of the Kind AsaramJi Bapu is equally shocked how a particular section of the media and politicians have targeted Hindu Saints solely based on their religion! Not only that, they have also pulled in completely innocent women and children in their folds of conspiracy without stopping for a moment what would happen to the unfortunate families and their near and dear ones. The untold miseries that have caused are only left to the imagination of the compassionate masses because apparently those that have the baton are definitely not interested in doing what they have been entrusted with.

But these conspirators who harbour nothing but negative sentiments and hatred are realizing it the hard the hard way that no matter how hard they try they will never succeed in shaking the faith or dislodge the trust which supporters have placed in their leaders. The point we all need to imbibe deep into our hearts is that all negative representation is the outcome of vested interests driven by the greed of power be it political or apolitical.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Let Your Voice Be Heard – How Everyone Of Us Can Help Bringing Justice To Bapuji

The moment when there is an attack on truth and integrity of Hindutva, saints throughout the great nation of Bharat assimilate and ensure that no harm is done to what is right and pure. We, Indians, owe everything we have today to the great Rishis and Sadhaks of the supreme power who have repeatedly laid down their lives on the altar of the nation and well-being of its people. But now when the same Saint who protected and nourished millions of us; has been put in jail not even a fraction has come forward in his support.

There is no doubt that a lot of us have shown amazing support and love for BapuJi, but that is well short of the love that is all our hearts combined.

Just imagine if a handful of us can make detractors so desperate as to bring one false case after another and new charge-sheets every few months to keep BapuJi behind bars, what will happen if all us unite. The enemies will realize that the roar for justice is not just they have been seeing - it can get loud enough to shake them to their very foundations. It is therefore time for all of us to unite and let our collective voices be heard over the din of allegations; here is what you can do.

Share A Video

Prepare: Prepare yourself to create a video of 5 mins. maximum (Ex. Name, Place, Work/Education, association with Pujya Bapuji and appeal to Public/Govt.)

Create:  Record Video by Video camera or Smartphone.

Share: Upload the video on YouTube or in any video sharing website.

Share An Audio

Prepare: Prepare yourself to create an audio of 5 mins. maximum. (Ex. Name, Place, Work/Education, association with Pujya Bapuji and your appeal to Public/Govt.)

Create: Record Audio by Audio Recorder Device or Smartphone

Share: Upload your audio file on websites like Chirbit or Sound Cloud.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Heights Of Yellow Journalism – More Protests And Outcry Marks The Awakening Of The Masses

Outcry for justice and release of His Holiness AsaramJi Bapu is now reaching a fever pitch with new protesters and petitioners making their presence felt like never before. This springs from the transgression committed by media in not just raising derogatory questions against BapuJi but also causing pain and emotional upheaval among supporters of Kind AsaramJi Bapu. In response to the umpteen atrocities brought about by the media on BapuJi, people from all walk of lives have taken the responsibility of clearing The Saints name of all baseless blemishes on his good name.

Sant Shri Asaramji Bapu
The trend of raising a strong voice for justice begun with supporters initializing a mass protest on Twitter in December, 2013 and then again in January, 2104. Both had one goal in common and that was a sense of urgency in the demand for justice. Just when it felt like nobody cared about justice or truth in this nation, these protests on Twitter came along and changed a lot of things. For starters this was a wake-up call for the bastion who thought they could take everybody for a ride with their biased representation of the saint, secondly this reignited the lamp of hope in every supporter's heart that was blown out by false accusations, and lastly it instilled the necessity for struggle among million of BapuJi disciples. Thanks to the path shown by a few, several more hitting social media websites everyday and one of those instances is the recent incidence that has emerged on Change.Org. With close to 8,000 people already aligning their views with that of their Twitter counterparts, the time has come that media houses completely shun their abject practice of yellow journalism for truth, equality and justice.

With the public showing such interest in the case of false representation of a saint, it’s high time that the necessary change be allowed to unfold.