Monday, 9 December 2013

Sad deviation of media from the path of truth

Humans have been critical and noxious since time immemorial; there is little novelty in that. Even today with the enlightenment of education, nothing much seems to have changed, which is very unfortunate.

What is even more painful is the harsh truth that His Holiness AsaramJi Bapu who has spent the greater part of his life unto the service of mankind was not spared? The saint has always been advising his disciples about being truthful and remaining closely associated with a life that is filled with nothing but the truth. The kind Bapu never for a moment rested from his job of spreading the gospel of love, truth, honouring women, helping the poor and educating children. Following his teachings millions have chosen the right path and brought about positive changes in their societies, states and thus to the entire world.

Media, which is considered the fourth pillar of the Indian democracy, has lost sight of its aims. Instead, it has decided to embark on the path of falsehood and cheap publicity for monetary gains. Driven blind by ulterior motives, media has not even stopped from flinging mud on the kind Bapu. It is an abominable attempt at sabotaging Bapu's reputation and selfless service. This unfortunate deviation of the media from truth and sacrificing BapuJi on the altar of rumours heralds a sad day for Indian journalism. Perhaps this is the outcome of commercialization of media that has money at its true north instead of truth.

Nothing can be more detrimental to a nation's future than a corrupt media that does not stop at anything when it comes to making money. By actively spreading rumours and criticizing all and sundry for everything that comes across their path and by maligning reputation of spiritual leaders of the nation, the media has not only become less authentic and authoritative, it also increasingly inviting wrath of the almighty lord unto who His Holiness AsaramJi Bapu has dedicated his life and work.

1 comment:

  1. The big question is How Can #media turn blind eye towards the seva karya of #hindu Saints?
