Tuesday 11 February 2014

Government Recognizes The Need To Celebrate Matru-Pitru Pujan Diwas

We have seen ground changing moments in recent years that have chartered new course for the nation and many that have derailed the development, but it is the good ones that must be highlighted and appreciated. A Saint who has relentlessly contributed to nation building for the last 40 years is none other than AsaramJi Bapu and his contributions are above and beyond everything else.

The most potent way to empower the nation is by empowering the youth and leading children down the right path. This begins in schools, but traditional schools often miss out on what actually constitutes education in the traditional sense. In stark contrast to western education offered in most modern schools, Bal Sanskar Kendras established by Kind AsaramJi Bapu teaches not only what is necessary to farewell in their worldly endeavours but also to get around moral and spiritual hurdles.

Recent society is plagued by mindless following of western traditions and events by teenagers here in India. The outcome of this has been disastrous with many young women ending up getting pregnant. This had to end and so the ritual of Matru-Pitru Pujan Diwas was initiated. For several years children all around the globe have benefited by worshipping their parents and now government bodies have accepted the fact that indeed there is a lot to learn and take away from ParamPujya BapuJi's instructions.

In a letter to all schools in Raipur, the Inspector of Schools has directed them to organize Matru-Pitru Pujan Diwas and invite parents in the event. This clearly shows that even learned experts of Indian education system know and believe in the need for including the concept of parent worship in school curriculum. This directed was send on behalf of the governor of Chattisgarh which lends even more authority and significance to this matter.

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